Movie Week! (Aka Educational Videos)

Sunday, March 01, 2009 / Posted by Kevin O'Rourke /

When I was in grade school, the highlight of any semester would be when the teacher would somehow work a movie into the curriculum. It really didn't matter what it was on, just as long as I was in class watching t.v., I was excited. So, in that vein, and in lieu of the global warming post (since I have been busy lately working with the Michigan Environmental Council and as my semester is now in full swing, I haven't been able to finish working on what will be a very long post about global warming), for your viewing pleasure a "Clean Coal" commercial by the Coen Brothers (directors of Fargo, No Country for Old Men, etc. etc.), and a really important, informative clip that does a great job explaining what "peak oil" is and its repercussions on the world economy. I would add however, that the recent economic downturn, and subsequent decrease in oil/energy consumption has given a little buffer zone to the effects of peak oil. Regardless, the perception of oil shortage will happen, probably within the next 5 years and if we haven't moved away from oil as our major energy source by then, some wild things will likely ensue.

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